Water Rot - Water accumulation due to rainfall and humidity could be solved with the help of our experienced repairmen in no time. The house painting specialists of Clear Lake will make sure that the rotted parts of your home due to water will be completely removed. This will extend the durability of your home’s structure.
Framing - Our company has been doing this type of work for many years now and we install frames that are durable and strong. This process used to take a long time to accomplish because there are builders who could not properly fit the frame to the structure.
Carpentry - We employ trustworthy and innovative carpenters that would do the job exactly how our clients want it. Our repair crew performs their job efficiently and their kind of work that they do is incomparable.
Sheetrock Installations - Your home will definitely improve when it comes to its durability once sheet rocks are installed. This type of sheet comes very handy and it does not take a long time to accomplish. There is a growing number of homeowners who want to have sheet rocks installed because these sheets act as a sound barrier and strong enough to withstand extreme weather conditions.
Texture Changes - If you want to change the feel of your walls, we have numerous ideas on how to do it. This kind of work will not take a long time if you have chosen the right contractor for the job.
Drywall Repair - It is necessary to maintain an impenetrable dry wall for your home in order to prevent its future deterioration. Our skilled repair crew has the required knowledge in this area and will surely not leave any part of your dry wall unfixed.